Kamado Roast Pork Scotch Fillet - Kamado Joe

Roast Pork Scotch Fillet

My effort for tonight’s dinner.
Turned out bloody delicious. One of the moistest roasts I have ever had. Plus the kiss of the smoke from the hickory chips.

1.4kg Pork scotch fillet
Duration of the cook was around the 1hr 40 minutes. I cooked this at around 180C [356F]. The kamado, as expected held temperature pretty well. I only needed a couple of adjustments during the cook, probably because it was blowing a gale here.

Veggies turned out fantastic, wifey was sold on them. Crispy, crunchy and perfect texture and flavour from the drippings. They went in about 40 mins before the meat.

Kamado Joe setup

Gidgee lump with a handful of hickory chips
D&C setup with deflectors in middle position.
Veggie tray on deflectors
Pork Scotch Fillet roast straight on grill grates over the top of the veggies.

Here are some of the progress shots from the cook.

What is a Pork Scotch Fillet?

The pork scotch fillet is a part of the group of muscles that are the forequarter of the pig. It is also known as pork neck or the collar butt.

The pork scotch filet is well suited to most methods of cooking. It is well marbled and has a typically higher fat content than the loin meat. With this higher fat content, it makes for a great roast. If sliced into steaks it can also be well suited to being grilled hot and fast.

A great visual resource is available here:

My digital thermometer has since stopped working so if you are also in the market for a new one head over to my Shop and check out a couple of hand-picked items thermometers for you.

I love my Kamado and don’t regret the decision one iota.

Joe On !!