Maintaining Your Kamado Grill: Tips and Recommendations

A kamado grill is a valuable investment for any grilling enthusiast, offering unparalleled cooking versatility and durability. To ensure that your kamado grill lasts for many years, it is important to properly maintain it. In this article, we’ll share some helpful tips and recommendations for maintaining your kamado grill and keeping it in top condition.

Clean Your Kamado Grill Regularly

One of the most important aspects of maintaining a kamado grill is keeping it clean. After each use, it is recommended to remove any ash or debris from the grill, as well as any leftover food or marinade. This can be done using a soft brush or cloth, or with a specialized ash removal tool.

It is also recommended to periodically clean the interior of the grill with a damp cloth, taking care not to scratch the ceramic surface. For more thorough cleaning, a mild detergent or cleaning solution can be used, but it is important to rinse the grill thoroughly with water and allow it to dry completely before use.

Check for Cracks and Damage

It is not uncommon for a Kamado Joe, or any ceramic kamado-style grill, to develop small, hairline cracks over time due to the expansion and contraction of the ceramic material during heating and cooling cycles. But, is it normal for a Kamado Joe to have micro-cracks? These cracks, often referred to as “thermal cracking,” typically do not affect the performance of the grill or its ability to retain heat.

However, it is important to note that larger or more significant cracks could potentially compromise the structural integrity of the grill, and may need to be repaired or replaced. If you notice any significant cracks or damage to your Kamado Joe, it is important to contact the manufacturer or a qualified technician to assess the damage and make any necessary repairs.

To prevent thermal cracking, it is recommended to avoid exposing the grill to extreme temperature changes, such as exposing it to cold water or rain while the grill is still hot. It is also recommended to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper use and care of the grill, and to avoid dropping or striking the grill, as this can also cause cracks or damage.

As mentioned earlier, thermal cracking is a common issue with kamado-style grills. While small hairline cracks are typically not a cause for concern, larger or more significant cracks could potentially compromise the structural integrity of the grill.

To prevent any significant damage, it is recommended to periodically inspect the grill for any cracks or damage, particularly around the lid or hinges. If any significant damage is found, it is important to contact the manufacturer or a qualified technician for repair or replacement.

Replace Gaskets as Needed

The gasket is an important component of a kamado grill, as it helps to create an airtight seal around the lid, which is essential for maintaining consistent temperatures and achieving delicious smoky flavors.

Over time, the gasket can become worn or damaged, which can compromise its effectiveness. It is recommended to periodically check the gasket for any signs of wear, such as fraying or tearing. If the gasket is damaged, it should be replaced promptly to ensure proper sealing.

Store Your Kamado Grill Properly

When not in use, it is important to store your kamado grill properly to protect it from the elements and to prevent any damage. Ideally, the grill should be stored in a dry, covered area, away from any potential hazards such as falling debris or extreme temperatures.

For added protection, a grill cover can be used, which is designed to fit snugly over the grill and protect it from dust, dirt, and moisture. It is also recommended to remove any accessories or components from the grill when not in use, such as the ash catcher or cooking grates, to prevent any potential damage or corrosion.

Follow Manufacturer Recommendations

Last but not least, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for proper use and maintenance of your kamado grill. This includes using only approved fuels, avoiding extreme temperature changes, and adhering to any recommended cleaning and maintenance procedures.

It is also recommended to periodically check the manufacturer’s website or user manual for any updates or recommendations, and to reach out to customer support with any questions or concerns.


Maintaining a kamado grill is an important part of ensuring its longevity and performance. By following these helpful tips and recommendations, you can keep your kamado grill in top condition and enjoy delicious smoky flavors for many years to come. If you’re looking for more tips and recommendations, check out our related articles on grilling and outdoor cooking, or contact our customer support team for personalized advice and recommendations.