Unboxing and Review – Ozito Electric Charcoal Starter
I have been in the market for a while for a new fire starter. Like everything that I get invested in I have done a heap of research and there is a number of great products on the market – some them are over in my shop. Here you will find my Unboxing and Review – Ozito Electric Charcoal Starter
Up until now, I have not had the time to actually place an order online for a new one.
After my Lasagne cook, my trusty old heat gun died, meaning for the subsequent cooks I have resorted to the boring old firelighter block, nowhere near as much fun as a heat gun!

RIP my little buddy, you have served me well. I think it was the combination of old age and the charcoal dust being sucked through the inner workings of the motor.
So this weekend I know I wanted to light the Kamado Joe Classic, and I certainly wanted to seek out a new heat gun/firefighter. I, fortunately, have a Bunnings about 2 minutes from my house so over I went on a mission to see what they had in stock.
Not a lot of choice in terms of hot air firelighters as the Ozito was the only one of this style on the shelf.
For under $40 I was prepared to take the risk and if it only lasts a couple of times, then so be it. Not too much lost.

Manufacturers Information
The Ozito CFS-2000 Electric Charcoal Starter provides a quick and effective solution to ignite the charcoal and kindling for your next BBQ or fireplace when entertaining.
No need for lighter fluid or chemical fire starters that can affect the environment or taste of your food.
The Charcoal starter will provide warmth up to 600°C in a few minutes, and will ignite charcoal in around 60 seconds. Simply bunch up charcoal on one side of your BBQ, hold the charcoal starter close to the pile so the heating tip touches the charcoal while holding down the toggle switch. When the Charcoal catches fire, slowly pull out of flames while keeping it aimed at the same spot for at least 60 seconds.
This product is intended for DIY use only.
- 2000W Power –Generates up to 600°C to ignite charcoal in a few minutes.
- Clean and Safe –Ideal to be used to start BBQ without the need of chemicals that affects the environment and food taste.
- Kickstand –Keep the charcoal starter safely standing for cooling.
Warranty Information
3 Year Replacement Warranty
Available In: Australia
I found this really good comparison/review done by the guys over at “Break It Yourself” Gives some good “real world” testing on the 3 methods.