Tomahawk Steak, A reality check.

Well, it was a sad sad day. I completely ruined a super high-quality Tomahawk steak. I was really looking forward to, what is my absolute favourite steak – perfect medium rare. A reality check that not all things go to plan.

My wife and daughters have a tradition where at the end of each school term holiday period she has a “sleepover party” where they drag out their mattress’ and camp on the lounge room floor. They get to paint their nails, watch movies and do that awesome stuff that mothers do with their daughters.

On these occasions, I normally whip up what their current favourite “movie” dinner is, typically hot dogs and popcorn whilst I am left to fend for myself – bonus I say. The last time this happened I managed to cook up an awesome feed of beef ribs. So continuing on with my own little tradition – where I spoil myself to some outstanding protein on the kamado, this time it was a tomahawk.

From the time I purchased it from Low and Slow, I was salivating. I simply could not wait to get the kamado fired up and reverse sear this beautiful steak. Add to that my favourite steak seasoning, Lanes Ancho Espresso, a couple of cold beers, or a few too many bourbons and it was celebration time. 

As it turns out I was way too cocky and failed in my mission. I have done a couple of awesome tomahawks and have nailed them every time. I thought I knew what I was doing. Well, I did know what I was doing, just massively overestimated the time it would take.

I set up the kamado exactly as I have done previously. I prepared the steak exactly like I had done previously. The temperature of the kamado settled in exactly like I have done previously. I cooked it for the same time I did previously – wait what….. O Oh.

Problem found! This steak was not exactly like the last one. It was slightly lighter but importantly it was a thinner piece of meat. I really should have pulled it off about ½ hr sooner than I did. I ended up with a super well-done steak, it was edible but only JUST. Thankfully there was still some moisture in the steak, probably only cause of the kamado effect.

Thankfully I had also popped in a couple of potatoes Hasselback style and they were divine. It was a busy day on the kamado as there was also the Olive and Feta bread. Yummo

Lesson learnt! Monitor temperature or better yet buy a remote thermometer and NEVER let the murder of a good steak happen ever again!

What has been your biggest failure?

I have had my eye on the Meater thermometer products as I think this will provide me with the best versatility. I use the joetisserie a fair bit and love the idea of a truly wireless device, no cords to tangle etc. My research is underway and I will be sure to add a review once I pull the trigger (or not)

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